快跑跟隨 Strive
詞 Lyricist / 曲 Composer: 羅文裕 Wing Lo, 劉映彤 Tone Liu, 蕭美帆 Peter Hsiao, 何柔靚 Hannah He, 劉文瀚Yusof Low
你是 道路真光 黑暗時刻 把世界照亮
賜下 國度的盼望 我依靠你 將生命翻轉
榮耀時刻現在已來到 萬民同心合一來宣告
忘記背後 努力面前
不憑眼見 勝過試煉
忘記背後 努力面前
興起建造 快跑跟隨
權能彰顯 勝過世界
得勝呼喊 大聲讚美
大人小孩 起來快跑跟隨
現在未來 不停快跑跟隨
使無變有 建造神的教會
重新得力 如鷹展翅上騰
演唱 Vocal:吳翊涵 Emily Wu
編曲 Music Arranger:劉文翰 Yusof Liu, 林樂偉 Ludwig Lim
製作人 Producer:羅文裕 Wing Lo, 劉文瀚Yusof Low
錄音師 Recording Enginneer:賴彥中 Lai
錄音室 Recording Studio:新奇鹿錄音室 Saturday Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer:陳陸泰 LuTai Chen (A-Tai)
混音室 Mixing Studio:原艾音樂錄音室 Mugwort Studio
母帶後期處理 Mastering Engineer:陳陸泰 LuTai Chen (A-Tai)
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio:原艾音樂錄音室 Mugwort Studio
歌詞設計:謝佳樺Smiley Hsieh
【Jesus Fashion 3.0 凡事都有可能 All Things Are Possible】
當我們進入2020年的同時,神的教會也要預備進入前所未有突破的新季節!因為神為愛祂的人所預備的,是眼睛未曾看見,耳朵未曾聽見,人心也未曾想到的。Jesus Fashion第三張專輯, 八首敬拜讚美的原創歌曲,帶下「在神凡事都有可能」的超然信心,讓我們超越一切限制,迎接豐收榮耀的得勝年!這次專輯製作採 Co-write 共同創作的方式,超過 30 位敬拜團成員,為期 48 小時高密度團隊創作,產出了這張跨世代全新敬拜專輯。 As the year 2020 approaches, the church needs to get ready, because we are ushering in a new season of breakthrough like never before. We know this is what God has prepared for His church: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him.” Jesus Fashion’s 3rd album features 8 original praise and worship songs, proclaiming “With God, All Things Are Possible.” Let us break free from all limitations and get ready for a year of harvest and victory. We gathered more than 30 worship team members to co-write the songs in just 48 hours to create this new worship album. LET’S WORSHIP!