神為我們爭戰God is fighting for us
與我們同在God is on our side
他已完全得勝He has overcome
已完全得勝Yes He has overcome
我們不被震動We will not be shaken
絕不會搖動We will not be moved
耶穌在這裡Jesus You are here
背負我們重擔Carrying our burdens
羞恥被遮蓋Covering our shame
他已完全得勝He has overcome
已完全得勝Yes He has overcome
我們不被震動We will not be shaken
絕不會搖動We will not be moved
耶穌你在這裡Jesus You are here
我活著 不致滅亡I will live, I will not die
因基督復活的大能The resurrection power of Christ
在我裡面 我得自由Alive in me and I am free
In Jesus’ Name
我活著 不致滅亡I will live, I will not die
要宣揚高舉你聖名I will declare and lift You high
基督彰顯 我得醫治Christ revealed and I am healed
In Jesus’ Name
神為我們爭戰God is fighting for us
除去一切黑暗Pushing back the darkness
照亮神的國度Lighting up the Kingdom
永遠不被動搖That cannot be shaken
奉主耶穌聖名In the Name of Jesus
仇敵全然失敗Enemy’s defeated
我們大聲讚美And we will shout it out
來讚美Shout it out